3rd Party Checker
The 3rd Party Checker automatically identifies fictitious 3rd party tax codes, automatically identifies third parties without a website and automatically identifies third parties that are individuals rather than companies.
Say you’ve got 40,000 third parties in your third party database and want to test those third parties automatically because you’ve got too many. Maybe you want to check those third parties on Google. Maybe you’re going to look through and see which ones are people, and which ones are real companies.
By downloading the 3rd Party Checker, you can speed up this process.
The installation process only takes a few minutes to download and install onto your computer. The 3rd Party Checker runs through all of your third parties, one by one, and allows you to check it on Google, as well as look it up on government websites to check whether the third party has a tax number or not. It can also check whether a company is a real person.