Customized SAP dashboards

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Any dashboard you require

You may already have an idea of the types of dashboards that you would like to see. If this is the case, our team of SAP experts can build them out for you.

Secure Cloud

  • 24/7 access
  • Encryption, secure password
  • No IT infrastrucutre costs
  • Daily/weekly data refresh


  • Set-up of server in your entity
  • Implementation of dashboards
  • Accessible from any device in your VPN

Improve performance & Transparency

Once you set-up 300Framework within your company you will be able to get access to any of the 300 dashboards. Dashboards are tried and tested must-have data analytics for audit.

Each dashboard has dynamic graphs that you can click on to zoom the dashboard on particular 3rd parties, materials, accounts, … giving you an appreciation of trends and correlation in under 30 seconds.

Each dashboard follows the 3 second, 30 second and 300 second principle. Making reading the dashboard as easy as possible.

Each dashboard ends with 1 or more detailed tables. In the detailed table you can flag records for sampling and add comments. You can download records for sampling.

Each detailed table is organized with columns in a particular order, making the review of data as efficient as possible.

Each dashboard is mapped to the internal control framework. View the ic framework next to the dashboard, to maximize understanding of the context.

Update audit workpapers whilst reviewing the dashboard and see all centralized updates from your team at the same time.

Follow e-learning specific to the dashboard: learn about the risks, common fraud schemes, typical internal controls, business processes, sap data, sap algorithms, how to read the dashboard. Take a quiz to check your understanding. Set-up a learning award challenge for your team.


Discuss in real time with your team about the dashboard, gain insights and learning from different team members.

Each dashboard has a dedicated AI agent that will help you to brainstorm risks and to understand each graph.